January 15, 2025


Hugh White is a liberal academic, an intelligence analyst who has advised defence ministers and was the inaugural Director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Hugh White, in “War of Terror” details the U.S. hegemon’s path of destruction through the world. He outlines the decline of U.S power and influence through key milestones of recent history from the fall of Saigon to the fall of Kabul. The end of the so called American Century.

White is on the money with his description of the illusions of liberal democracy. Quagmires and loss of the credibility sadden White.

White yearns for an independent leaning Australia. The last decades have seen the complete enmeshing of Australia’s strategic political and military policies subordinate to and supporting U.S. imperialism.

Australian communists understand White’s analysis but are not content with his solutions.

Instead we push for a complete break with U.S. imperialism. Ending the ANZUS and AUKUS treaties, we seek the seizure and closure of all foreign bases here. We seek a complete independent foreign policy that serves the Australian people and their sovereignty while  building equal and friendly relations with all nations. We will no longer play  the role  of deputy- sheriff of the south Pacific.



Australian communists understand
White’s analysis but are not content with his solutions.

War criminal John Howard’s LNP government took us to war in Iraq and Afghanistan while Julia Gillard’s ALP government fell into inline with Obama’s “Pivot to Asia”. This saw the establishment of U.S. Marine, Naval and Air force bases in the Northern Territory and Western Australia. While the long established jewel in the U.S. crown spy base of Pine Gap continues its surveillance and nuclear targeting role.