October 16, 2024

Marcus Strom

Marcus Strom was a former press secretary in the Albanese government, and he is an ALP member and trade unionist.  He is the co-founder and National Convenor of Labor Against War. He left his government employment over the decision to base U.S. air force B-52s Tindall RAAF base in the Northern Territory.

Strom’s article asks us to build a broad coalition with against all the dangers of U.S. imperialism in Australia. He shows how Australia, led by the Albanese ALP government has been sucked into the growing vortex of U.S. plans to reassert its dominance in the world.

 In particular, AUKUS,  promised by former PM Morrison,  embraced by Albanese, Wong and Marles and sold as a technology and jobs boost for Australian workers.  Strom recognises this a as a giant cog in the anti-China campaign.  In Australia , ASPI  is one of main ideological antagonists , along with the Murdoch media, 9 Media and the ABC providing the platforms for this propaganda.    

Already there is a nascent struggle against this march to war and Strom sees a role for the working class through organised unions such as the ETU MUA, MEAA, , AMWU, and CFMEU . He warns us not to be illusioned by the ALP as they will never fail to disappoint.

The article Recent Developments in Oz in this journal poses a wider, deeper task -an independent country to win- a peoples democratic anti-imperialist republic.