October 16, 2024

The Palestinian blood-bath of slaughter continues in the Middle East. Many people are appalled by the actions of the Israeli military and condemn the genocide and call for the USA and Britain to cease sending arms and intelligence information to Israel.

Palestinians pray over bodies of people killed in the Israeli bombardment who were brought from the Shifa hospital before burying them in a mass grave in the town of Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Mohammed Dahman)

We must be reminded that those two countries alone have slaughtered more civilians and army personnel on their quest for other countries’ wealth and resources than any other country on this planet. That is not to make light of Israel’s role as the attack dog for imperialist USA, but the truth is the Yanks are the driving force behind it, with the lapdog British hanging off their coattails.

Make no mistake, Australia’s turn to step up and serve the Yanks is in whatever capacity the Yanks decide. There is plenty of rhetoric coming from the Yanks about China being enemy number one and this is alarming.

With talk of Israel invading Lebanon could that then bring the Yanks in and in turn Australian troops? The USA have just deployed thousands of troops to Jordan, as of yet no one knows for what reason. Is it to back up Israel on a Lebanese invasion? Who knows.

All this baloney about how close our relationship is with the USA and how they would come to Australia’s aid if attacked is absolute nonsense.

Australia has no enemies except the ones the USA pick for us. We get used up and spat out every single time by the Yanks. When we were dragged into the Korean War it cost us 340 dead young Aussies, in Vietnam 523 dead young Aussies, Afghanistan 41. We have also lost Aussies in Syria and Lebanon. All due to imperialism.

In the two major imperialist wars, WW1 and WW2, we lost 60,000 and 34,000 troops respectively under the dictatorship of British and USA imperialism.

How long will it be before our young Australians are called upon again to defend USA imperialist interests??

Believe me it’s just around the corner.

We will need to mobilise and organise for an independent Australia. How long must we remain subservient to USA imperialism? How many more Aussie lives are to be sacrificed? How much more of our resources are to be siphoned off to USA interests?