October 16, 2024
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As an Australian worker following current affairs of late I must say I’m very concerned with what’s happening in Australia and around the western world. There are some good lessons to be learnt on some of these so-called democracies and how they are suppressing free speech and using terrorist legislation to intimidate and in some cases jailing journalists and activists for speaking out against USA backed aggression.

Through their proxies Ukraine and Israel and their lackeys the UK and Australia, they are using Fascist type tactics to suppress truth and understanding of what’s really going on.

Craig Murray a UK journalist and human rights activist was arrested last October and held under terrorist laws while interrogated, his lap top and phone seized, interrogated for hours for the crime of attending a pro Palestine rally in Iceland.

Sarah Wilkinson another UK journalist and human rights activist was arrested on 29 August under anti terrorist laws, her home ransacked, her mobile phone and computers taken and five serious bail conditions slapped on her.

Richard Medhurst another UK independent journalist was arrested on 15 August under anti terrorist laws and was held for almost 24 hours. All his electronic devices were seized.

In Israel, Al Jazeera journalists have been banned from reporting anything out of Israel and in the last few days Israeli IDF forces raided Al Jazeera in the West Bank and closed them down.

We see Julian Assange’s return to Australia, finally released after spending over 12 years in the UK, jailed for releasing information on USA war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

What really concerns me is we are told in Australia that the Yanks are our best friends and the relationship couldn’t get any better, so much so that we have basically handed our sovereignty over to them. The USA are the puppet masters, they are the ones pulling the strings of the UK and Israel, and unfortunately Australia. These acts of repression on journalists and leftist news outlets are some of the tools of fascism.

The recent attack in Lebanon with the pagers blowing people up, killing and maiming them is a terrorist act carried out by Israel with the full support of the USA. The bottom line is when the imperialist USA cannot rule by deceit they will rule with the iron fist.

While pulling the puppet strings the Yanks make out to be the mediator. In the case of Israel the USA say they want peace in the Middle East but in reality they help destabilise it. With the pagers, the USA say they had no knowledge or involvement. With the genocide being carried out by Israel they say the Israeli’s should be more careful with the civilian population yet they supply all the means to carry it out.
The International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court have both been exposed along with the United Nations as tools of the USA, their impotence fully exposed when it comes to real justice or support for any country outside the sphere and influence of the USA.

These are all valuable lessons for Australians on how we will be manipulated and used in the future for USA imperialism.

They use the UK and they use Israel and they use Australia too, as tools and fools. Let’s not be fools. We need to organise and fight for an independent Australia.

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