January 15, 2025

Commentary from The Crow

Australia should be outraged at the latest announcement to spend $270 billion on weapons (of mass destruction), when at the same time we have a prime minister who claims we can’t afford to increase jobseeker payments or pensions for the old, social housing and a list of other underfunded areas like our national health and education.

Further, along with the announcement to spend up big on weaponry, Morrison announced the week before that there had been substantial cyber interference from a source he didn’t wish to name. The claim was unsubstantiated but obviously directed at China. Morrison’s claim that the Covid-19 virus will leave our region and the world in a more unstable and dangerous position is an attempt to link Covid-19 with the need to spend $270 billion on weaponry,  when the real reason is to back up the USA in its march to war with China. Australians need to be careful what they wish for and not be too complacent.

U.S. marines on the march in Darwin

The Lessons of the Iraq War

If we cast our minds back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the same scare-mongering, media attacks and strategy were used on Iraq. This was to demonise them as “a major threat to the free world”, “they had weapons of mass destruction”, “they used chemical weapons on their own people”, “it’s an authoritarian state”, “Saddam Hussein is a dictator worse than Hitler in World War II”.

The bulk of these outrageous claims turned out to be complete lies designed to condition the minds of the people that the march to war with Iraq was a just war.

As time draws us nearer to World War 3 with the USA and its lackeys as the main driving force, we the working class, and the people in general, need to be very aware of media manipulation and the push for war with China. We see now an ongoing media attack on China with all the similar trimmings of the lead up to the Iraq invasion. Don’t be fooled again Australia.

Who is the Real Threat to World Peace?

A simple look at our history and kowtowing to the USA since World War II , shows us who are the real aggressors, who is the real threat to world peace, and how our subservience to the USA has led us into every conflict the Yanks have orchestrated on the pretence of maintaining world peace.

U.S. atrocities in Vietnam

The USA’s expansion has always been done through the barrel of the gun, through deceit, through proxies and subversive measures. China’s economic expansion has been through negotiation and mutual trust with objectives by peaceful means.

The only threat that China possesses is showing the world a peaceful road to co-existence as opposed to the malignant ways of capitalism and imperialism. But when we sum all this up doesn’t it really highlight the need for an independent Australia, a peaceful Australia, one that doesn’t help fight the dirty wars of US Imperialism?

To be proud Australians is to be proudly INDEPENDENT.