January 15, 2025

As an Australian worker and citizen sitting here having a beer and a bbq thinking how lucky I am to live in Australia, I look at the current situation in Ukraine and even more so in Palestine and the interference by the USA in both conflicts.

I see the slaughter of Ukrainians by the hundreds of thousands brought on by the USA and the British for no other reason but to attack Russia and weaken Russia and to get their hands on their resources.

I still think as I have another sip of beer, how lucky am I to live here, (the lucky country).

I look at what’s happening in the Middle East and Palestine. I see the dominant partner to Israel is the USA.

I see the genocide happening in front of my eyes. I see thousands of innocent people, children, mothers, fathers, grandparents, being slaughtered. I think how lucky am I.

I remember the lies about Iraq and the slaughter of half a million people by the USA under false pretences. And I think 🤔 how lucky am I.

Then I think how evil this hegemonic imperialistic USA is.

I wonder what concern would they ever have for us under different conditions. Would the USA do the same to us? No. Not while we bow to their every demand.

I take another swig of beer and think yeah, if we go along with everything they want we’ll be right mate. We are going to give them $368 billion to prop up their shipbuilding industry, right!

We send our young guys into every war they’ve ever started since we gave the Brits the arse, what could go wrong?

They want us to help them take on China? I’m thinking well China doesn’t invade people, they don’t turn one country against another. Are they really the enemy or are we just being played, used up and spat out like Ukraine will be.

I take my last sip of beer and wonder?

Independent for Australian people comes to mind.

An independent foreign policy comes to mind, all our rich resources being used to raise Australian people’s lives as apposed to being misappropriated to private USA and British consortiums and their lapdogs.

Mmmmm another beer and dream. INDEPENDENT.