February 23, 2025
  • By The Crow
  • As the question of independence becomes much more of an alternative future in the minds of many Australians, more and more cracks begin to appear in the monopoly capitalists’ ranks and amongst their lackeys. If we look at the stupid anti-Chinese policies of the Liberal National Party led by Scott Morrison, that only serve the USA and screw the Australian economy and some Australian businesses, we see divisions appear. How does the Australian wine industry feel about being reduced to $12 million in the last 4 months compared to $325 million the year before? The beef, coal, copper, sugar, barley & lobster industries have all taken big hits too. Those markets all had a potential for much more growth in China had Australia had a more friendly attitude to our biggest trading partner, CHINA.
  • The stand over tactics of the Morrison Government against the Victorian Labor Government, using national security concerns to override the Belt and Road Initiative deal struck between Victoria and the Chinese Government, only serves the USA and hurts the Victorian economy. The deal by the Northern Territory to lease the port of Darwin to a Chinese company, is also in the sights of the Morrison Government, to be scrapped on the pretence of national security.
  • We have seen divisions appear amongst the monopoly capitalists’ lackeys, with the likes of Kevin Rudd and Malcom Turnbull, both ex-prime ministers from both sides of politics, join forces against the continued interference by the pro Far Right Murdoch press in Australian politics. The USA uses the Murdoch press to keep a stranglehold on who will administer the political system in Australia for US imperialist interests.
  • There are plenty of examples of our subservience to US imperialism. Our troops are used as cannon fodder in US invasions of other countries for no other reason than to make it appear there is a united front, with the US leading the charge to maintain ‘freedom and democracy’, the mask for expansion and theft of other countries resources. Australians have paid a high price for not having their own independent foreign policies, not least the rising suicide toll of our soldiers, losing more to suicide than deaths in the wars with Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • All these divisions and cracks need to be exploited and used to advance our position for independence. A broad collective of Australian society is needed to throw off the yoke of imperialism, many alliances must be made, strong alliances and in many cases temporary alliances, led by the working class, the best organised and most disciplined. As China saw the advantage of a temporary alliance with the nationalists in the 1930s and 1940s to throw off the yoke of Japanese imperialism, so must we look for the widest of alliances to do the same and not lose sight of the main aim: INDEPENDENCE.