January 15, 2025

What’s on my mind.

The USA, the fighters for democracy all over the world, interfere in any country’s political system where they see fit, and if interference does not work then the odd invasion will. It is all about maintaining hegemony over other countries and their resources.

 It wasn’t long ago that the US bombed Syria on concocted lies that they had used chemical weapons.  Before that, they illegally invaded Iraq using a whole lot of lies so that they could take control of their oil reserves but are outraged at Russia’s possible interference in their elections.

They say it’s an attack on democracy and the free world, yet we see Julian Assange held up in a consulate for years that is an endless jail term, and for what?? Free speech, open journalism, exposure of illegal torture and killing and a whole host of other activities.

And now we have a journalist hacked up alive in a Saudi Arabian consulate, dismembered bit by bit. And what do we hear from these great leaders and fighters for democracy and free speech? This is a terrible crime but let’s wait until we have all the evidence. (like they didn’t do in the chemical weapons saga in Syria)       Let’s give the Saudi’s more time! The Saudi’s are great allies of ours!  Maybe it was rogue killers? If we have to punish them let’s not ruin our arms deals.

 All of these actions expose these so-called democracies, USA, Britain, France and so on. They are prepared to protect any dictatorship that looks after their interests.    Democracy and free speech only exist as long as it doesn’t challenge their hegemony and control over other countries resources.