There was an old boast of the British imperialists “ The Sun never sets on the British empire” And the retort of British Chartist Ernest Jones in 1851 “and the blood never dried” seems apt even today as we trawl through British atrocities in the former colonies of the empire.
During the 18th ,19th and 20th centuries there were massacres in Afghanistan , massacres and famines in India, Africa and Ireland.
As the British lost their colonies some people may have felt that the opportunities for direct use of the British military may have diminished.
Sadly, they have proved wrong. Casting our minds back to northern Ireland in the 1960’s,70s and 80’s massacres and covert assassinations were carried out by special forces of the British state . We can see merely that the strategy is the same but the tactics are different.
Now, British imperialism is the constant backer of U.S. wars, to wit in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. Increasingly special forces, like the SAS and the privatised forces of mercenaries like Blackwater, are used to carry out the demands of Wall St and London. Veiled in secrecy, atrocities against insurgent combatants and civilians are swept under the carpet by authorities.
Australian forces are not immune, witness the case of suspected SAS war criminal Ben Roberts-Smith in Afghanistan in recent times.
This article British “Liberators” are in Fact War Criminals by Valery Kulikov gives detail and background to modern British war crimes where investigations are going nowhere.
“ The Sun never sets on the British empire and the blood never dried”