February 23, 2025

Julian Assange

A Brave Internationalist

Julian Assange’s seizure and kidnapping from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London provided a brief diversion from unfolding Brexit drama in  Little Britain. A physically ill and weak yet resolute Assange was dragged away  after 9 years asylum there .

Julian Assange was hunted for his role in the Wikileaks disclosures and for  publishing 750,000 documents obtained by U.S. intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. Not only was the quantum of secrets astounding and a source of great embarrassment in itself  but some of video footage of airborne  massacre and assassinations of innocent civilians in Afghanistan and  Iraq caused an outcry internationally.                             

 In response to Assange’s role , a secret, U.S. Grand Jury  indictment  awaits him when is renditioned to the U.S.A. Following the Wikileaks release, billionaire press commentators and politicians in the U.S. had called for his assassination.

Grand Jury trials are historically used to intimidate and persecute people.  Defendants have no right to a lawyer. Additionally,  there is  total secrecy, public or no media allowed.  The prosecution presents  evidence against the accused who has no right to question or present  evidence in response .                                                                                                                                 The U.S.A has no mercy for its opponents and dissidents.  Witness the treatment of Black Panthers (after 47 years), Puerto Rico  political prisoners and the  Cuban Five all languishing in jails in the U.S.A .

As an Australian citizen and journalist, one would expect the same  vigorous support by the Australian Government for Assange , that they gave to journalist Peter Greste . The Gillard ALP and subsequent governments turned down Assange’s requests for assistance.                              No surprise about  their response of “we are currently offering full consular assistance”. Bugger all, that is !  This is to be expected from the descendants of the “Deputy Sheriff” who took Australia to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Julian Assange has support from people in Australia and around the world for his stand .        He must be released and returned to his home in Australia.

Julian Assange