March 7, 2025
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With the Middle East a good analysis must search for the facts. Some analysis is shallow and grim, and some shooting from the hip, but the reality is much different.

The recent events in Syria has the US fingerprints all over it. The Assad Government collapsed riven by contradictions both internally and externally. For the US imperialists, and the British and French before them, the best strategy has always been Divide and Rule. Split countries on racial, ethnic, class and religious lines. Support one against the other and vice versa to get the resources, exploit the people and get strategic control in the region.

Yes, the situation is complex and there are many competing religious and ethnic forces in Syria and external interference but unity is the key to the Syrian people getting organised to take control of their own destiny.

Like in the militant trade union struggle -‘disunity is death’. That’s what happens in countries too. A United Front of people’s forces is what has to be patiently and thoroughly built up and all the enemy’s attempts to divide have to be defeated. People have to be motivated and experienced. They need correct leadership with the correct ideology, astute politics and deep organisation. Each country has to go through this. The worldwide trend is the people want nationhood, independence and sovereignty and the overall trend is that US imperialism is in decline. This is the great defining feature of the 21st Century.

Some people have said that the Palestinian struggle is finished but they find ways to continue the armed struggle. In the face of incredible adversity the Palestinians are more united than ever.

There are always setbacks in the struggle, things never move in a straight line. There are always zigzags. At times the enemy can look all-powerful but conditions always constantly change, the contradictions the enemy faces mature and explode into action.

The US Imperialist strategy of divide and rule is getting harder to implement, unity is the key in each of their countries for Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Yemenis, Iraqis and Iranians. There is ongoing resistance in Gaza and all of Palestine and in Lebanon, Israel has more problems than you can poke a stick at.

In Syria, the saying ‘You only win at the negotiating table what you’ve won on the battlefield’ applies. Fair enough to build up your forces to build strength for the future, but again unity is the key.

Iran has been very clever, essentially keeping their powder dry with the US and Israel. All the time the Iranians build their forces. The Yanks have not directly attacked Iran in the last 45 years since the Iranian Revolution and 33 years since the Soviet Union collapsed. Why? Because Iran is a big country, 90 million people. The US tries to undermine and weaken Iran by trying to split it from within, screw them with sanctions and get their attack dog Israel to nip at their heels. They try to stop the development of Iran for the people. They try to stop Iran having external alliances. Again, for Iran, unity is the key both internally and externally.

With Turkey who are in NATO we need to remember the Yanks tried to topple Erdogan in 2016 with an attempted coup by their Gulen Movement puppets. As such Turkey has had bitter experience with the US.

Contradictions abound for the US imperialists and their Israeli puppets, and it is getting harder for them to rule. There is much more struggle coming in this region.