October 16, 2024
Albanese Wong Marles compressed

The Australian people are confronted by a number of crises. The crises are well ventilated regularly in the mainstream media.

 Health systems are failing; hospitals are failing patients; people cannot find or afford G.P.s under Medicare arrangements.

Homelessness exacerbated by massive loss of public housing in every jurisdiction, tax laws that maintain investor landlords plus the trend to casual holiday letting via foreign corporations like Airbnb. Needless to say, first nations people are more acutely affected.

Widespread poverty experienced not only by the unemployed, disabled and pensioners but by the working poor. Over 3 million people or 14 % of the population. People are forced to choose between bills and eating. Needless to say, first nations people are more acutely affected.

Large and growing incarceration of the first nations people in jails. (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults make up around 2% of the national population, they constitute 27% of the national prison population)

An explosion of first nations women and children sent to prison. (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander incarceration rates increased 41% between 2006 and 2016  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women constitute 34% of the female prison population)

 And regarding people with disabilities, the Albanese ALP government has only responded to 13 of 172 of the recommendations (following a $600 million inquiry) that it has primary or shared responsibility for, the Commonwealth has not committed to introducing a disability rights act or creating a federal disability department.

Massive rorts by the banks all overseen by toothless ASIC.  Numerous royal commissions and inquiries. Still waiting for …… lost in action.

Massive rorts by retail monopolies. The Emerson inquiry revealed how they squeeze farmers and producers then gouge customers. Two inquiries with all round condemnation of their conduct. Fizzers all.

Massive tax evasion by overseas corporations exporting and trading in Australia but outsmarting the Australian Taxation office. Still waiting.

Public education underfunded whilst wealthy private schools continue  to be over-funded. No action.

 Australia is a massive wealth producing nation and most of the problems outlined could be solved with authority and money .

Why does promised reform or legislation languish in reviews, or wait to be sent for committee or for the next term of parliamentary talk shop?

 Is it laziness? Timidity? The need for bipartisanship? Or rather the natural ideological tendencies of the lieutenants of the ruling class.

 In the lackey country, parliaments serve the interests of the ruling class and their foreign masters. Any ruling class problems are actioned quickly.  Hence the current attack on the CMFEU by the building industry aided by its attack dogs in the media and servile parliamentarians.    Serving the people is only a talking point.