March 4, 2025

Well my partner and I sat back debating all the bad stuff that’s going on in the world and Australia.

We were looking at Haiti and all the interference there. The Yanks are at it again in Haiti, arming gangs and trying their hardest to destabilise the place. Haiti won independence officially in the early 1800s yet they are still struggling with outside forces bent on controlling the politics of Haiti and the economy.

I said to my partner ‘these bastards never stop’ and she said ‘well they certainly have got their hands on Australia haven’t they’?

I said ‘Yep they sure have, they are the biggest investors in Australia and they control both sides of politics. We need to be an independent country that doesn’t have these outside forces ripping off our country and controlling our political direction’.

‘How’s that ever gonna happen’ my partner says. ‘Well it doesn’t just happen out the blue and it doesn’t just happen on its own’.

Then I said about ‘the Russians and how things changed there with a big world event happening, WW1, and then China, they too had a struggle for independence that culminated just after WW2. Sure there was plenty of other factors but big troublesome events stir up the populations’. I said ‘just imagine if us Aussies get dragged into antagonisms or possible war with China? I reckon that would bring struggle for independence to a much higher level.

‘There is not much happening at the moment but when it does happen and everyone is screaming for change you’d need a good leadership in place to give it direction’.

My partner said ‘well I hope some leadership is getting organised now while it’s in its infancy’.

‘Well it has to come from the people’, I said. ‘The drop kicks we’ve got running this joint at the moment ain’t never gonna do it. They’re too busy worrying about their political careers and sucking up to the Yanks’.

‘True’, my partner said. ‘Anyway dinner’s ready, you’re not gonna solve all of Australia’s problems in one day mate. ‘True’, I said, ‘BUT one day, one day’.

-Gazza’s point of view