Traitors and Sold-out are parts of the headlines of the mainstream media following the ASIO Director-General’s annual “Threat Assessment” press address. He accused one (unnamed) former politician of selling out country, party and colleagues to an unnamed foreign power.
The publicity ensured a wave of conjecture. This ensured a media and commentariat support for ASIO from the usual suspects.
ASIO was established in 1949 and now commands a budget of $563 million per year. And it is one of the ten intelligence organizations in Australia. ASIO’s establishment was overseen by trusted a Security Liaison Officer from MI5, a U.K. spy agency.
In time, U.S spy organisations developed extremely close liaisons with ASIO and the other agencies, to the extent that they operate bases here – Pine Gap, Northwest Cape and comingled bases operating under the Five Eyes Scheme. (USA, UK Australia, Canada and New Zealand).
ASIO and the other spy agencies are part of the real nest of traitors and foreign sellouts. They have sold our sovereignty and independent to the forces of U.S imperialism. Our politicians enmeshed our military with that of the US armed forces. The U.S. has military bases and facilities in all states of Australia, and now our bases are their bases under joint agreements worked a string of politicians from Menzies, Holt, Hawke, Gillard, Rudd, Morrison, Albanese and Marles.
Defence Minister Richard Marles, announced last year that American military analysts would soon be sent to work at the Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO) in Canberra. “You’ll get an American perspective into the American system seen from Australia. And that is not insignificant,” he said.
As well as traitorous politicians, there are think tanks and academic bodies directly funded by foreign governments and corporations. These organisations never face the screaming headlines and intense scrutiny of the mainstream media.
The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) is one of these think-tanks, its deputy director is a former UK diplomat. A search of the ASPI website reveals its funding- U.S. State Department as well as governments of Japan, Israel, Canada and the UK. It also receives money from major U.S. and U.K. weapons companies-Lockheed-Martin, BAE Systems , Thales Group , Raytheon as well as Google and Microsoft. What flows from this are lobbying to the Australian government for more weapons and services. ASPI has an office in Washington- its real master .
The United States Study Centre at the University of Sydney and the USAsia Centre in Perth are foreign government funded influencers with spokespersons who spruik the U.S. line on international politics in the mainstream media. They regularly appear in the media to endorse the AUKUS agreement with its $368 billion submarine proposal.
Then we must view another powerful foreign agent, News Corp, owned by U.S. citizen Murdoch, with newspapers in every capital city and television and cable stations Sky news and Fox that projects the voice of U.S. imperialism into the hearts of Australia.
Who are the real traitors? Who has sold Australia’s sovereignty and made us the 51st State of USA ? The Australian people are rapidly learning .