February 23, 2025

Jenny Hocking is right on the ball again. The other side to all this was Marshall Green US ambassador in Canberra orchestrating the coup in 1975 via Governor-General Kerr, Opposition Leader Fraser and High Court Chief Justice Barwick and the Australian army generals.

Malcolm Fraser and John Kerr

As the saying goes ‘whoever pays the piper, plays the tune’. With US multinationals dominating Australia and senior Whitlam Government Labor Ministers, Rex Connor as Mineral Resources Minister, and Jim Cairns as Treasurer, trying to nationalise the resources industries, the whole machinery of the US State Department and the CIA was mobilised especially in Britain to use the monarchy and its reserve powers to bring down the Whitlam Government.

(left to right) Coup master Marshall Green with war criminal Henry Kissinger with criminal U.S. president Richard Nixon (centre right)
The Nixon government was extremely antagonistic to the Whitlam government’s policies and dispatched Green to take care of things.

A few letters between the Queen and the Governor General are just a small part of the of US and British plans and actions to make sure Australia remained under the thumb of their multinationals and even a mildly reforming Labor Govt in Australia was seen as dangerous. (You only have to see  how the Labor Party has been shit-scared of the US-British duopoly for the last 46 years because of the coup and the so-called ‘sacking’ of a government elected by the people by the Queen’s representative, the Governor-General, Kerr.) The Queen, far from acting alone was carrying out orders from the British and US establishment.

There is much more to be uncovered between the US State Dept and CIA and the British Home Affairs Department and Foreign Affairs Department, and MI6 under the Wilson Labour Government.

In their superpower contention with the Soviet Union, the US-British Axis went absolutely ballistic when Whitlam, Cairns and Connor sought to buy back the resources industries by raising $4 billion from the Moscow Narodny Bank via the Iranian middleman, Khemlani. With the so-called ‘Loans Affair’ the elected Australian Government had bypassed US and British Banks because they would not approve of finance for the government to buy back Australia’s resources.

Elizabeth Windsor with Liberal minsters and Kerr on 1977 visit to her colony

Jenny Hocking’s good work is part of a much larger investigation that needs to take place about the foreign interference and manipulation with our sovereignty and nationhood.