February 23, 2025


Australia is on a suicidal mission as we get further hoodwinked by the USA and the UK into being a launching pad in  the Asia Pacific region and supplying them with cannon fodder. That is our young men and women in the Australian armed forces. 

We really need to ask ourselves what this is all about. The Yanks would have us believe we are under threat from China. This is same story they would have Europeans believe, that they are under threat from Russian expansion. The USA, using NATO as the agitator, has created the situation that now exists in Ukraine. The USA and its use of NATO have been the expansionists by accepting other eastern European countries into the NATO alliance and nurturing a threatening posture towards Russia. 

China, Australia’s biggest trading partner, is no military threat to us. China does not invade other countries and has no inclination to. Australia I’m sure would have benefited greatly from the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative but it was snuffed out by our imperial masters (the USA). 

Instead we are to pay our masters (USA and UK) $368 billion for submarines that will ‘protect us’ from the bogus military threat from China. Big money like that would have been far better spent on our declining health system and housing crisis. 

We Australians have heard all these scaremongering lies before. Like the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the military threat from China is hog wash. 

If we continue to support the Yanks in a war with China it will be a suicidal mission for us. We need our true sovereignty; we need true independence from  the imperialist USA. 

China holds out its hand in friendship, we should be shaking it. The Yanks hold out the gun, we should be rejecting it.