11th November is Remembrance Day, When we honour soldiers passed away. Today I think...
What’s on my mind. The USA, the fighters for democracy all over the world,...
On October 1st 1949, * Mao Zedong in declaring the foundation of the Peoples’...
In Australia, a relentless campaign to demonize China is ramping up. Well known...
A procession of Australian governments shamefully betrayed the people of Timor-Leste .
Another Pacific nation betrayed by Australian Governments since 1962
https://journal-neo.org/2019/08/04/washingtons-major-push-for-xinjiang/ Freedom, democracy and human rights stories are endlessly trumpeted across the media. However,...
https://www.asiatimes.com/2019/08/article/lets-see-just-who-really-is-the-maritime-expansionist/ Gregory Clark, a former Australian diplomat and presently an academic at Sophia University...
A Tribute to Norm Written and delivered by Steve Black at the Memorial for...