January 15, 2025

Under the cover of COVID-19, the corporations have attempted yet again, to squeeze workers. On one front, the Morrison government  in conjunction with the business council have attempted more industrial relations reform but luckily negotiations with the ACTU ended without any agreement.


Qantas has taken advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to instigate 10-year-old plans to sack and outsource baggage handlers, cleaners and ground staff. These are part of a bigger plan to sack 6000 of Qantas’ 29000 workforce. Their greed is evident as they collected over $800 million in public money from Job keeper, the aim of which is to keep workers connected to their employer. The Transport Workers Union is mounting a campaign against this vicious plan.


On the water front, members of the Maritime Union of Australia have taken action at Port Botany against similar action by Caltex, when in the midst of negotiations the  mooring company NMS Botany closed its doors, sacking its entire unionized workforce. The owners blamed COVID-19 and market conditions for the decision. Later the company phoenixed into a new company called   “Port and Harbour Services” and commenced work in Kurnell and Port Botany without a union agreement.

Patricks at Port Botany

Another multinational stevedoring corporation, Patricks, which is owned by Brookfield Asset Management and Qube Holdings has engineered a smear campaign with the backing and publicity of the Morrison LNP government.

In the midst of legally-protected industrial action at Patrick’s Port Botany container terminal (a four-hour stoppage, four weeks ago) the company made false claims that urgent medical supplies were being held up. Notwithstanding, that the terminal was previously closed by Patricks for repairs for 48 hours  and that  they cancelled three consecutive night shifts which preventing any containers from being unloaded or transported from the terminal.

  Morrison and  the gutter Murdoch press, attacked the actions of  MUA members

As a goodwill gesture, the MUA offered to suspend action and  work to prioritise urgent medical supplies that that needed to be unloaded and transported. Supervisors at Patricks were unable to identify  any single container in need of transportation.

MUA National Secretary Paddy Crumlin accused Patrick management of deliberately escalating the dispute in an attempt to use political and public concerns to drive through cuts to workplace conditions.

“This dispute has been manufactured by Patrick, with management rejecting all attempts by the union to resolve the issue and remove the need for industrial action,” Mr Crumlin said.

“The company rejected the union’s offer to roll over the existing workplace agreement, they rejected our offer to suspend all industrial action, and they rejected our attempts to put procedures in place that would ensure no impacts on vital goods like medical supplies.

“Patrick has also deliberately misled the media and public with false claims about massive delays and ships being unable to unload in an attempt to use community pressure to drive through attacks on workplace rights.

NSW Public Servants – Nurses , Teachers and Police

Despite submissions by unions, plans for 2.5% wage increase was knocked back to just 0.3% by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission. The cut back is designed to save more than $3 billion for the NSW government, now it means over 400,00 workers will go without.

Meanwhile the police commissioner gets a whopping $90,000 pay rise. Industrial action is plannned.

We’re All In This Together !!!????

The greed for maximum profit by corporations is never satisfied. Its always open season until workers fight back , hold the line and refuse to buckle.   The monopoly press and  its government always will try to smear and scare workers into submission. 

Support the   MUA’s call to boycott Caltex.