February 23, 2025

Sydneysiders  have experienced  a taste of the north-shore Nazis when they attempted trouble  on January 26 while Victorians, earlier witnessed  black balaclava clad knuckleheads strutting the streets of Naarm and Ballarat. But don’t worry, politicians earnestly decry these local white supremacists who wave pseudo-Nazi insignias and fill social media with their rants .

It is easy to use these caricatures as the sole marker of a drift towards a fascism.

What is fascism?

Fascism is a reactionary force which is trying to preserve the old system by means of violence. When the carrot fails to control, then there is the stick.

For indigenous Australians the stick is ever present- Death in Custody, death by pursuit is ever present as statistics show . The message is clear – behave or else !

The use of naked force by the state  is visible. The military style combat uniforms and the dangling Tasers. The latter introduced an alternative to guns and often  used  to torture with cameras off. While police spokespeople claim their use as a last resort, but  we all know the case of  95-year-old nursing home lady on a walking frame  who was tasered and died. Then  there are  increasing numbers of  shootings of mentally disturbed people by police conducting “welfare checks”

 At pickets and rallies, cops on horses and the ‘public order’ squad in dark overalls  strut through crowds in an intimidating way, ready to use force or pepper spray to subdue protestors. Such was the case in Port Melbourne and Port Botany as people tried to block goods from Zionist Israeli  shipping company Zim .

Environmentalists protesting against fossil fuels, blockading roads or train tracks are met with violence and surveillance. In N.S.W. police surveillance teams  in camouflage spied on environmentalists training for non-violent action against  forest clearing. And when discovered they called on reinforcements to arrest and remove protestors.


All manner of surveillance is employed against dissent. From environmentalists to unionists and progressives, the security forces of the state are targeting, listening and watching.

 At a state and territory level the police intelligence apparatus follow government directives to shut down protest. At a national level, ASIO are intercepting communication of those they perceive to be threats to the status quo.

The U.S. spy base at Pine Gap in the N.T. intercepts and collects vast amounts of data and communications from satellites above our region. These are processed by U.S. intelligence services. It must be noted that it includes Australian communications. Together with backdoor intercepts conducted on computers and servers by these same intelligence organisations, nothing is private.

There has always been surveillance and suppression of threats to the present order but increasingly the security forces are becoming alarmed at developments.

As the veil of parliamentary democracy falls to reveal a shabby corrupt system of highly profitable rorts, without oversight, run by two parties serving  U.S. imperialism.

Global Fascism

 Amerikkka stalks the international stage together with its imperialist allies, Britain and Europe. Together they seek to maintain and expand their hegemony over world  finance and trade. They want compliance with their “international rules-based order”. Freedom for their banks and hedge funds  to suck the developing world dry. Freedom for their corporate monopolies  to buy and sell. The net result is to make more billionaires and trillionaires, while life for hundreds of millions all over the world worsens.

US, British and European imperialism seek allies in each country. These are compradors who service the  multinational billionaire corporations and sell their praises in the media and in parliaments. If  the commercial hegemony overseen by Wall St, and its lackeys in London and Brussels faces problems then covert and overt military power is used.

When parliament and talking heads no longer work, the ruling class will seek to impose order and obedience by harsher means. And they know who to target. If the situation gets out of hand  then force will be used; backed by harsh laws already on the books.

The overall antidote to fascism is a program of revolution by stages. To gain independence, sovereignty  and real nationhood by removing the billionaires and their subordinate compradors. Uniting all who can be united against the local ruling class.

 Remove all foreign (U.S.) bases and end so called alliances like ANZUS and AUKUS that aid U.S. military power in the region.

This is spelt out in our Provisional Program below.

  • Real thorough-going democracy and freedom for all Australians, indigenous and non-indigenous. Complete representation  of First Nations Peoples and a constitutional treaty to legitimise  full rights, history, truth and compensation.
  • Real democratic change with the empowerment of people’s mass organisations and a National Assembly to be proud of.
  • Imperialists will be booted out and their local collaborators’ and sycophants’ domination will be ended.
  • Peoples ownership of the means of communication.
  • Peoples ownership of the big banks.
  • Peoples ownership of key industries and the expropriation of the means of production and distribution of the multinationals and their local collaborators.
  • Expropriation and redistribution of the land of the foreign monopolies and their collaborators.
  • The strict supervision of the production and distribution of Australia’s natural resources.
  • Adequate living standards for the Australian people.
  • The Australian Peoples Democratic  Anti-Imperialist Republic will take its place in the world community of formerly oppressed people who have either realised liberation, independence and socialism or are in the process of doing so. The present Australian struggle against imperialism is part of a world-wide struggle.
  • Australians will have stood up and will be masters of their own destiny building a bright future with the great wealth Australia offers and be good international citizens to help all humanity to likewise create a better world.