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In the third year of the Covid pandemic, peoples’ minds have had time to focus on some fundamentals of our lives as people, families ,communities and as a nation.The economic and social shocks coupled with the reluctant sclerotic support of government, its lack of planning or vision and importantly its free market ideology have played their part in spotlighting the tired old facade of liberal democracy.
We are regaled with brilliant forecasts of growth, boom times and survival, “32 years without a recession” yet diverse independent sources reveal massive growing poverty, homelessness, educational deterioration, and sky rocketing indigenous incarceration against a backdrop of colossal institutional corruption. Nothing to see here, according the marketeers and boosters of liberal democracy.
Yet pollsters, commentators and academics, wring their hands at evidence of huge decline in confidence with the parliamentary system among the populace. Parliament is a talking shop of endless and purposeless, debate where solutions and action on key issues get kicked like a can down the road until people forget. They call for reports or inquiries or royal commissions. The results of these are released late or a convenient time for the government. But action or remedies rarely follow . Witness black deaths in custody or aged care disasters or indigenous incarceration. In all of these, the situation has worsened as the avalanche of words and spin spews out of politicians and their minions mouths.

Its time to consider other models that result in action and do not divide the community and the nation. China is a socialist nation with a different history and totally different system. However they approach their problems in a different manner with different organisations and processes. They are not with out their own problems but notwithstanding all their historical impediments they have managed to raise their people of 1.4 billion of diverse backgrounds and circumstance to new heights of economic, social and cultural achievement. Their approaches of building unity ,seeking consensus, with the whole people as the master offers a fresh dynamic approach to meet the challenges that Australia faces.
The Chinese Peoples ‘Political Consultative Congress is an important channel and specialized body for socialist consultative democracy and an important part of China’s governance system
The following are some key quotes from Chinese President Xi Jinping on socialist consultative democracy:
— The system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the country’s basic political system and a new model that has grown out of the soil of China.
— The CPPCC should perform its role as an organization for maintaining the united front, promote solidarity and unity, balance commonality and diversity, consolidate the common theoretical and political foundation, strengthen political guidance, and build consensus. It should strive to seek the greatest common ground, draw the widest possible inclusive circle, and create a powerful driving force for national rejuvenation.
— There are diverse ways to realize democracy, so we must not be confined to just one particular rigid model. Experience has shown that China’s model of democracy is workable and effective in the country.
–– Under China’s socialist system, whenever a problem crops up, we should turn to deliberation first. Matters involving many people are discussed by all those involved; to reach the greatest common ground on the wishes and needs of the whole of society is the essence of people’s democracy.
— Consultative democracy is an important mechanism through which the Party can lead the people in effectively governing the country and ensure that the people are the masters of the country. It complements electoral democracy. ■